"You can forget your lunch but never your umbrella." ~A Fukui saying

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Album Art

Releasing a very low-fi collection of original songs for download soon. Here are some samples of the album art. I drew all but "Madame Marteau" and "Battle for Kasugai", and I edited all the pictures myself.

そろそろオリジナル曲のアルバムを販売するつもり。アルバム・アートの編集。"Madame Marteau"と「春日井戦記」意外の絵は全て自分で描いた。


The Great Northwoods

A Yergin Family Lullaby

Life, the Universe, & an Old Towel
Pon Farr

Dear Helen (ヘレンちゃんへの手紙)

Madame Marteau
春日井戦記 (Battle for Kasugai)

(Mystery Bonus Track)

1 comment:

Nick and Amber said...

That dinosaur picture is super cute! Looking forward to hearing the song that goes with it... and the others too!